A song can move the heart because the melody and the lyrics speak to us. But when the lyrics come from the very heart of God - from His Word, it can bring healing, joy, peace and hope.
The Word of God brings life, life abundant because Jesus said “I have come that they may life, and that they may have it more abundantly”
I have written many songs with lyrics from my own heart but the songs that came from the Word of God are very special to me. That was how I decided to call this album “Music of MY Heart” - from the Heart of the Master Musician, the Lord Jesus Christ.
As you listen to the songs, ponder on the lyrics and let it bring healing, hope, peace, joy and most of all the love of God into your inner being.
Jesus said "My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid"
May you truly know and experience the love and peace of Jesus.
May you truly know and experience the love and peace of Jesus.
Over time, I will share more of my thoughts on the lyrics/how I received the inspiration for some of the lyrics
Genesis 2.7 inspired me to pen the lyrics “You’re the very life of my heartbeat” in my song “YOU ARE JESUS, MY MESSIAH” because I pondered on how if by God blowing air into the nose of Adam it brought Adam to life, this “air” must be so supernatural and miraculous that only the “GREAT I AM” can make LIFE happen that way! Hence the beating of my own heart can only exist and carry on because of that “blow of air from God”, and so that is the link, the key and the reason for my heartbeat, the “very life” itself.

I was told the story of a brother from another church, who after serving the Lord for most of his youth, asked the Lord something to the effect "What next Lord in this journey with you?" All the Lord answered was "Don't you know I adore you, my son?" For days I pondered on the story and asked the Lord what He meant by that? The scriptures that this song was based on led me to write this song as I felt the Holy Spirit show me from the scriptures "This is how I adore you".
Genesis 2.7 inspired me to pen the lyrics “You’re the very life of my heartbeat” in my song “YOU ARE JESUS, MY MESSIAH” because I pondered on how if by God blowing air into the nose of Adam it brought Adam to life, this “air” must be so supernatural and miraculous that only the “GREAT I AM” can make LIFE happen that way! Hence the beating of my own heart can only exist and carry on because of that “blow of air from God”, and so that is the link, the key and the reason for my heartbeat, the “very life” itself.

I was told the story of a brother from another church, who after serving the Lord for most of his youth, asked the Lord something to the effect "What next Lord in this journey with you?" All the Lord answered was "Don't you know I adore you, my son?" For days I pondered on the story and asked the Lord what He meant by that? The scriptures that this song was based on led me to write this song as I felt the Holy Spirit show me from the scriptures "This is how I adore you".

I wrote "Glorious" without a classical arrangement to it. But one of my dreams had been that if ever I had my songs released in an album I would love to have a variety of genres including a classical feel to some of my songs. I did not reveal my thoughts to the producer nor the musicians. But God is amazing and He knows the desires of our hearts. I am reminded of Psalm 37.4.
I loved the sound of "Pizzicato" in music. Again Psalm 37.4 is all I can attribute to "Longing For You". And again, I did not want to give my views to the producer nor the musicians. Reason being, I had told the Lord that this album was for His glory and therefore I would like His divine musical direction, therefore I would not interfere with the arrangements nor choice of songs.
When the musicians started to rehearse in the studio, the first sound of the "Pizzicato" made me teary-eyed because "Thank you Lord, you knew the desire of my heart". Another of my dreams was to have "Pizzicato" in one of my songs.